CDFW needs your help with research on the distribution of the Badger. Please report your observation using this form. (Fields marked with red are required.) If you don't see the map below, try reloading this page (Ctrl+F5). About You Name First NameLast Name PhoneArea CodePhone NumberEmailOkay for CDFW staff to contact you?YesNoAbout Your ObservationsDate ObservedMonth - Day - YearTime Observed 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Hour : 00 05 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Minutes AM PM Location Description 10000(Distance and direction form nearest trailhead, road intersection, campground, etc.)Using the map, browse to and click/tap the sighting location, which will populate the lat/long fields below. LongitudeLatitudeTerrain Type Select Terrain Talus/Rocky Slope Meadow Riparian Brush/Chaparral Open Forest Dense Forest Other Additional Comments(For example: road kill, multiple individuals, den, pups, etc.)Upload Photos FilenameSizeProcessStatus(max. combined file size: 10 MB)Please indicate that you're not a robot. © Gerald and Buff Corsi - CA Academy of Sciences, all rights reserved