Monarch Butterfly - MultiAgency Collaborative Working Group

four photos of the monarch life stages: caterpillar, adult on a yellow flower, chrysalis, and clustered overwintering adults

Agency Working Group

The California Multi-Agency Monarch and Pollinator Collaborative (Collaborative) is a working group comprised of 13 state and federal partner agencies. The Collaborative was created to inform and promote integrated science, natural resource management, and policy that can increase the pace and scale of monarch and pollinator conservation throughout California.

Monarch butterflies and other pollinator populations have declined precipitously. As ecosystem service providers, protecting and recovering their populations enhances ecosystem function and conserves California’s biodiversity. In December 2024, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service proposed listing monarchs federally threatened with designated critical habitat in California in the western population's overwintering grounds. For more information on monarchs and pollinators, see the CDFW monarch page and pollinator page.

Identifying Priority Actions to Conserve Monarchs in California

From 2023-34 the Collaborative has been conducting a priority and gap analysis using the WAFWA 50-year monarch conservation plan and the Western Monarch Summit Priorities as our guides. We will publish a report outlining our priority goals and actions for agencies and other partners in 2025.


Collaborative partners compiled monarch-focused resources into a unified location for easier access by agency staff. If you’d like to recommend a resource to add to this collection, email

Breeding and Migratory Habitat

Overwintering Habitat

Community Science

Educational Materials

Working Groups

Partners participate in several topical or regional working groups aimed at advancing monarch and pollinator conservation:


Although pesticides like herbicides and insecticides target pest insects, they can negatively also impact pollinators including monarchs. These resources can help reduce the pesticide exposure in pollinator habitat:

  • PRESCRIBE database - CDPR’s tool for pesticide applicators to look up California Endangered Species Act-listed species that occur where applications are planned and recommended mitigations to reduce exposure to these species.
  • EPA ECOTOX database - Provides toxicity data for single chemical stressors to aquatic and terrestrial species.
  • Bee Precaution UC IPM database - Look up toxicity classification of various pesticides to pollinators.
  • SF Environmental Reduced Risk Pesticide List - List of pesticides approved for use in San Francisco, including pesticide risk classifications and use limitations.
  • BeeWhere - Beekeepers, pesticide advisors, and pesticide applicators can look up where hives are being kept as well as where sprays are planned.
  • CA Animal Health and Food Lab at UCD - Carcasses of vertebrates that died to suspected pesticide poisoning can be tested at this lab.
  • CDFW Wildlife Incident Reporting Database - Deaths of any wildlife due to suspected pesticide poisoning (or other causes) can be reported here.
  • WCB Herbicide Questionnaire (PDF) - Set of questions to help rationale methods for invasive plant control.
  • Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR) - Statewide pesticide use reporting provides information such as location (county), date, and amount of pesticide applications in California. This reporting is required for nearly all types of agricultural pesticide use and certain nonagricultural pesticide uses.

Funding Sources

MOG Resources

Minutes and other documents from the Collaborative's Management Oversight Group (MOG)

April 2024 Meeting Notes (PDF)

July 2024 Meeting Notes (PDF)


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Wildlife Branch - Wildlife Diversity Program
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605