Q: What is the difference between an A and an A1 deer tag?
A: An A tag is valid for archery and general season hunting only in the A zone. An A1 tag is an Area-Specify Archery Hunt tag valid only in the archery season of the C, zones.
Q: What is the difference between a G1 and a C4 deer tag?
A: A G1 tag is valid for the late season hunt in the C4 zone only. To hunt in the C4 zone during the general season the tag to apply for is the C zone tag, which is valid for ALL the C zones during the general season. The G1 and C zone tag are premium deer tags and are issued through CDFW's annual Big Game Drawing.
Q: Where can I get a leftover premium deer tag after the drawing?
A: Leftover premium deer tags are issued online at any CDFW license sales offices and license agents on a first-come, first-served basis. If available, leftover premium deer tags will be issued on July 2 at 8:00 a.m.
Q: Do I need to report my deer tag to CDFW even if I am not successful in taking a deer or did not go hunting?
A: Yes. All hunters who are issued a deer tag must submit their harvest report card after the hunt season, even if they did not hunt, or did not harvest a deer.
Section 708.5, Title 14 of the CCR. For more information and reporting dates, visit the harvest reporting page.
Q: When is the deadline to report your deer tag?
A: The deadline to report all deer tags is January 31 of the license year. Any person who is issued a deer tag must submit a harvest report, whether you were successful, unsuccessful or did not hunt. If you did not submit your harvest report, you will be charged a $21.60 non-reporting fee when you purchase a deer tag or deer tag drawing application in the following license year.
Q: Do I still have to punch tags and fill out the report card since they're now part of my ALDS license?
A: Yes. All requirements for tagging, identifying and verifying take still apply.
Q: Who can validate deer tags?
A: CDFW employees, forest rangers, park rangers and others as listed in
Section 708.6(c)(1), Title 14, of the CCR.
Q: When is the deadline to submit applications for the Big Game Drawing?
A: Applications for premium deer, elk, antelope, and bighorn sheep tags must be submitted through the Automated License Data System (ALDS) online, at any CDFW License Sales Offices and License Agents or by telephone sales at (800) 565-1458. To qualify for the big game drawing, the application must be submitted and the sales transaction completed before midnight on June 2 of each license year.
Q: When are hunting licenses and big game drawing applications available to purchase at local license agents and CDFW license sales offices for this year's Big Game Drawing?
A: On April 15 of each license year you may purchase your hunting license and big game application(s) for the Big Game Drawing online, at any CDFW License Sales Offices and License Agents or by telephone sales at (800) 565-1458.
Q: How does the Big Game Drawing work?
A: CDFW will run the draw within 10 business days of the application deadline.
- After the application deadline, when all applicant information has been entered, the computer assigns each person (or party) a unique random number. Hunters who apply as a party receive the same random number as the party leader.
- Deer party applications are not split to meet the tag quota if the number of party members exceeds the number of available tags (Section 708.15(a)(2), Title 14 of the CCR). Therefore, when there are fewer tags available than the number of members in a party, the computer bypasses the party and draws the applicant with the next lowest random number to fill the tag quota. Elk and antelope party applications are split to meet the tag quota. The party leader will be drawn as the successful tag holder, the party member will be drawn as the first alternate.
- The preference point value for party applications entered in the Big Game Drawing is determined by averaging all party members' preference points for each species (total preference points of the party divided by the number of party members). Preference point averages are not rounded up or down (Section 708.14(e), Title 14 of the CCR).
- Just prior to the drawing, the computer sorts all applications according to first tag choice, preference point totals, and random number.
- The computer begins awarding first tag choices to applicants with the most preference points, in random number order (starting with the lowest random number to the highest random number).
- After the preference point round is completed, unsuccessful applications are resorted by hunt choice and random number order (starting with the lowest random number to the highest random number), and the computer begins awarding tags based on applicant's first-choice without consideration of accumulated points, until all draw-by-choice tag quotas fill or until all applications have been processed.
- For deer, where hunters may make up to three hunt choices - all remaining unsuccessful applications are then sorted by second tag choice, in random number order (starting with the lowest random number to the highest random number). The computer conducts a second round of drawings for any zones and hunts with tags remaining without consideration of accumulated points.
- If tags remain after second tag choices have been processed, applications are sorted once again by third tag choice, in random number order (starting with the lowest random number to the highest random number), and any remaining tags are awarded without consideration of accumulated points.
- For applications not drawn in the third round hunters will be notified of available tags so they may reapply.
Q: What are the Tag Quota Splits?
A: Premium Deer Tags (Excluding Apprentice Deer Tags) (Section 708.15(a)(3), Title 14, of the CCR)
- Ninety percent (90%) of the individual zone or hunt tag quota shall be awarded using a Preference Point drawing.
- Ten percent (10%) of the individual zone or hunt tag quota shall be awarded using a Draw-by-Choice drawing.
- For zones or hunts with quotas less than 10 tags, one tag shall be awarded using a Draw-by-Choice drawing.
- Apprentice Deer Tags (Section 708.15(3)(E), Title 14, of the CCR)
- Fifty percent (50%) of the hunt tag quota shall be awarded through a Preference Point drawing.
- Fifty percent (50%) of the hunt tag quota shall be awarded through a Draw-By-Choice drawing.
- Elk, Pronghorn Antelope and Bighorn Sheep Tags (Section 708.15(b),(c) & (d), Title 14, of the CCR)
- For quotas of one, the tag shall be awarded using a Draw-By-Choice drawing. For quotas of two, one tag shall be awarded using a Preference Point drawing, and one tag shall be awarded using a Draw-By-Choice drawing.
- For quotas of three, two tags shall be awarded using a Preference Point drawing, and one tag shall be awarded using a Draw-By-Choice drawing.
- For quotas of four or more, seventy-five percent (75%) of the quota shall be awarded using a Preference Point drawing. The remaining portion of the quota shall be awarded using a Draw-By-Choice drawing.
Q: Why can't I submit the same hunt choice more than once on my deer tag drawing application?
A: If you were not drawn for a tag in a previous round, then there were no tags remaining at the end of that round; therefore, there is no chance of being drawn for that tag in the next round of the drawing.
Q: How and when can I find out if I was drawn for a tag in the Big Game Drawing?
A: Drawing results will be available ten business days after the June 2 drawing application deadline. Applicants may view the drawing results online or by contacting CDFW License Sales Offices. Note: Hunters may also view pending drawing applications by logging in online and selecting 'View My Drawing Results' link from the top of page. Any successfully submitted drawing applications will be displayed, including the hunt choices.
Q: What is a Modified Preference Point System Drawing?
A: Under a Modified Preference Point System drawing, tag quotas for each hunt are split into two portions: one portion awarded by preference point drawings; the other portion awarded in draw-by-choice drawings. Quota splits vary, depending on the species, total number of available tags, or other special criteria (such as those for junior deer hunts).
Q: What is the maximum number of preference points for the 2021 Big Game Drawing?
A: Going into the 2021 Big Game Drawing the maximum number of preference points a hunter can have for any species is 19. The preference point system began in 2002, applicants who have not been drawn for their first choice premium deer tag or applicants who have not been drawn for an elk, pronghorn or bighorn sheep tag would have the maximum preference points.
Q: How do I earn preference points?
A: You may earn one preference point per year, per species, as follows: Deer – earn one preference point if you apply for the premium deer tag drawing but are not drawn for your first choice premium tag. Elk, pronghorn and bighorn sheep – earn one preference point for each species you apply for and was not drawn for the tag.
Q: When do I lose preference points?
A: You lose all accumulated preference points for a species, as follows:
Deer – You lose all accumulated preference points when you are drawn for a premium tag as your first choice.
Elk, Pronghorn and Bighorn Sheep – You lose all accumulated preference points for a species if you receive a tag for that species.
You also lose all accumulated preference points for any species if you do not participate in the drawing for that species for five (5) consecutive years.
Q: I moved out-of-state. Will I lose my preference points?
A: No.
Q: Can I transfer my preference points from one species to another?
A: No Preference points are earned for a particular species and cannot be transferred to any other species (Section 708.14(c), Title 14, of the CCR).
Q: Can I transfer my preference points to another hunter?
A: No. Preference points are not transferrable to another person (Section 708.14(c), Title 14, of the CCR).
Q: How will CDFW notify applicants if they earned a preference point?
A: Once the drawing results are available, preference point totals are also updated. Hunters may view their preference point totals online. Hunters will need to enter your name, date of birth and GO ID exactly as it appears on the hunting license or drawing receipt. Select the ‘Drawing Results’ link at the top right side of the web page and then select the ‘Preference Points’ tab from the drawing results.
If you have questions regarding your preference point totals you must contact the License and Revenue Branch, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090 in writing or email them to LRB@wildlife.ca.gov.
Q: How does CDFW track my preference points?
A: CDFW tracks preference points for current and future drawings using your GO ID.
For CDFW to accurately track your preference points, you must use the same GO ID number to apply in the drawing each year. If you have changes or corrections to your name, mailing address, date of birth or identification number, such as a driver’s license number, in writing, notify CDFW in writing at License and Revenue Branch, P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090 or by email to LRB@wildlife.ca.gov (Section 708.14(g), Title 14, of the CCR).
Q: I do not wish to apply for a premium deer tag this year. How can I earn a preference point?
A: Purchase an annual California hunting license and the First Deer Tag Drawing Application at a license agent, CDFW license sales office, online or by telephone sales at (800) 565-1458. Inform the sales clerk the code to earn a preference point for deer is PD.
If applying online, select the hunting tab for the upcoming license year and “add to the cart” an annual California hunting license and in the “Drawing” menu (left side of the page), add the First Deer Tag Drawing Application to your cart and enter the preference point code PD to earn a point for deer.
To earn the preference point, the sales transaction must be completed before midnight on June 2.
Q: If we apply as a party and are unsuccessful in the drawing, do we each earn a preference point?
A: Yes. Each party member will earn one preference point.
Q: I am a junior hunter. If I submit two applications for premium deer tag drawings, how are my preference points earned or lost?
A: Junior hunters will earn one preference point if they are unsuccessful for their first choice hunt on both applications (only one preference point will be awarded, not one preference point for each application). Junior hunters will lose all their deer preference points if they are drawn for their first tag choice on either their first-deer or second-deer application.
Q: If I am successful in the premium deer drawing for my second or third choice, do I earn a preference point?
A: Yes. If you are not drawn for your first choice premium tag, you earn one preference point, even if you are drawn for a premium tag as your second or third choice.
Q: I am unable to hunt this year. Can I still earn a preference point for elk, pronghorn, or bighorn sheep?
A: Purchase an annual California hunting license and drawing application through the license sales terminal at a license agent, CDFW license sales office, online or by telephone sales at (800) 565-1458. Inform the sales clerk you are also applying for the Big Game Drawing and provide the correct preference point only code for elk, pronghorn, or bighorn sheep.
If applying online, select the hunting tab for the upcoming license year and “add to the cart” an annual California hunting license and in the “Drawing” menu, add the Elk Tag Drawing Application, Pronghorn Tag Drawing Application, or Bighorn Sheep Tag Drawing Application and enter the correct preference point code for each species.
To earn the preference point, the transaction must be completed before midnight on June 2.
Q: Do I earn a preference point if my application is received after the deadline?
A: No. You will not earn a preference point after the deadline. If it is after midnight on June 2, the sales items: First Deer Tag Drawing Application, Elk Tag Drawing Application, Pronghorn Tag Drawing Application and Bighorn Sheep Tag Drawing Application will not be available in the menu screen to purchase and apply for the drawing.
Q If I am drawn for my first choice tag for a premium zone or hunt that does not fill in the drawing, do I still lose my preference points?
A: Yes. If you are drawn for your first choice premium tag, you lose all your deer preference points, whether or not the tag quota fills for that zone or hunt.
Q: If I am successful in the premium deer tag drawing for my first choice and I am unable to hunt, can I return my tag and have my preference point reinstated?
A: Any applicant who was drawn for the applicant's first deer tag choice in the big game drawing and can not hunt for any reason may submit a written request to retain the accumulated preference point total and earn one preference point for deer for that year. Applicants shall return the tag to the department's License and Revenue Branch before the season starts for which the tag is valid for the department to consider the request. If the request is granted the applicant shall retain the preference point total the applicant accumulated prior to the big game drawing and earn one preference point for deer. The department shall not refund the fees paid for a resident deer tag application (Section 708.14(j), Title 14, of the CCR). For more information, please see the Return Tags/Exchanges and Preference Points page.
Q: If I am drawn for an elk, pronghorn, or bighorn sheep tag, pay for the tag but I am unable to hunt, what happens to my preference points?
A: Any applicant who was awarded an elk, pronghorn, or bighorn sheep tag in the big game drawing and can not hunt for any reason may submit a written request to retain the accumulated preference point total and earn one preference point for elk, pronghorn, or big horn sheep for that year. Applicants shall return the tag to the Department's License and Revenue Branch before the season starts for which the tag is valid for the Department to consider the request. The applicant shall submit the nonrefundable processing fee with the request. If the request is granted the applicant shall retain the preference point total the applicant accumulated prior to the big game drawing and earn one preference point for elk, pronghorn, or big horn sheep. The Department may refund the tag fee (Section 708.14(k), Title 14, of the CCR). For more information, please see the Return Tags/Exchanges and Preference Points page.
Q: If I am drawn for an elk, pronghorn, or bighorn sheep tag but do not purchase the tag, do I lose my preference points for that species?
A: No. If you do not purchase the tag, you will not lose your preference points for that species.
Q: My sales transaction could not be completed by the deadline and I was not entered into the Big Game Drawing, will I lose my preference points from the previous years?
A: No. Hunters who miss the application deadline will not earn a preference point for the current year and will not lose preference points earned from previous years. However, a hunter's preference points are reduced to zero when they have not applied for five (5) consecutive years (Section 708.14(h), Title 14, of the CCR).
Q: How can we apply as a party for drawings?
A: There are two ways to apply as a party:
- Members of a party can apply in the same sales transaction at a CDFW license sales office, online or license agent and the sales clerk, upon request, can link the applications together as a party; or
- If applying in separate transactions, the first party member will become the party leader. The party leader's Big Game Drawing Receipt will have the Party Identification Number (PIN) printed on it. The party leader can give this number out to the other members of his/her hunting party. When other members apply, they will provide the PIN. When the PIN is entered in the drawing application ALDS screen, it will bring up the hunting party and link the members to the party. The members will be assigned the same tag choices in the same order as the party leader and you will all be in the drawing together. Party applications may be made up of transactions submitted through the Internet, CDFW license sales office and license agents.
Q: Can my hunting party apply online as a party?
A: Yes. Members of a party can apply online in separate transactions, but not in the same transaction. Online sales can only process one customer per transaction. The first party member will become the party leader. The party leader's Big Game Drawing Receipt will have the PIN printed on it. The party leader can give this number out to the other members of his/her hunting party. When other members apply online, they will enter the PIN in the drawing application screen; it will bring up the hunting party and link the members to the party. The members will be assigned the same tag choices in the same order as the party leader and you will all be in the drawing together. Party applications may be made up of transactions submitted through the Internet, CDFW license sales office and license agents.
Q: I am the party leader and am applying for deer tags and an elk tag? Do I give the same Party Identification Number (PIN) to the other party members?
A: No. You will have PIN for each species. The PIN is printed on your Big Game Drawing Receipts. Make sure you give the deer PIN to members of your deer hunting party and give the elk PIN to the member of your elk hunting party.
Q: I am a member of a party applying for deer tags. Can any party member apply first?
A: Yes. A party leader is the first person in the party to apply and is assigned a PIN. The party leader can give the party number to other applicants, so they can join his/her party.
Q: I don't have my party leader's PIN. Will the license agent be able to join us together?
A: No. You must have the PIN to join another hunter's party. This is done to ensure that only hunters that the party leader allows may join his/her party. The CDFW license sales offices and license agents cannot provide you with another hunter's PIN , only the party leader or members of the party can provide you with their party number.
Q: Can a member of my party be a nonresident or junior hunter?
A: Yes, for deer drawings as long as they possess a valid California annual hunting license and the junior must be at least 12 years old as of July 1 of the license year for which they are applying, or at the time of application if they are applying after July 1.
Q: Can one of our party members choose a different zone or hunt as their second or third tag choice?
A: No. All party members' tag choices must be the same. The computer cannot separate party members' half-way through the drawing process. (
Section 708.14(b)(8), Title 14, of the CCR)
Q: I am applying in the deer drawing and have the maximum number of points. If I apply as a party with my hunting partner who does not have any points, are my chances of getting a tag less than if I applied alone?
A: Yes. The preference point value for party applications entered in the Big Game Drawing is determined by averaging all party member’s points (total preference points of the party divided by the number of number of the party members, (
Section 708.14(e), Title 14, of the CCR). Your party's preference point total will be 4 (8 total points divided by 2 party members). If you applied alone, your preference point value would be 8 (8 total points divided by 1 party member). If you applied as a party with a hunter with 0 points, your application will not be processed in the preference round of the drawing until all applications with greater than 4 points have been processed. For many hunts, there are more maximum point applicants than there are premium tags, so your odds of drawing a premium tag would be very low. However, there is always a chance your party could get drawn in the random portion of the drawing where success is determined strictly by your random number and the number of available tags.
Q: The deer drawing statistics indicate a lower point value than our party's point value was drawn for the premium deer tag that we applied for, so why did we not get drawn for the tag?
A: Party applications are not split when there are fewer tags available than the number of members in a party (
Section 708.15(a)(2), Title 14, of the CCR). Therefore, there may be party applications with a higher point value (than listed in the drawing statistics) that did not draw the tag. For example, when the final X9A tag was awarded, there were several party applications with greater than 1 point. However, since there was only one available tag, these applications were bypassed.
Q: When is the deadline to apply for the elk, pronghorn and bighorn sheep drawings?
A: Application(s) must be submitted through the Automated License Data System (ALDS) at any license agent, a CDFW license sales office, online or by telephone sales at (800) 565-1458. To qualify for the big game drawing, the application must be submitted and the sales transaction completed before midnight on June 2.
Important: In order to purchase hunting items online, hunters must have proof of hunter education or a prior year’s California hunting license in your customer profile in ALDS. All hunters who have purchased hunting items via ALDS will have proof of hunter education on file.
Q: Can I apply for an elk, pronghorn and bighorn sheep tag with a Two Day Nonresident Hunting License?
A: No, a Two Day Nonresident Hunting License is only valid for small game such as migratory game birds, resident small game mammals, nongame animals and furbearers for two consecutive days.
Q: Can nonresidents apply for elk and pronghorn hunts as a party?
A: No, not more than one pronghorn or elk tag can be awarded to a nonresident; therefore they may not apply as a party.
Q: Who can apply for an pronghorn tag through the Big Game Drawing?
A: Any person (resident or nonresident) who is at least 12 years old as of July 1 of the license year for which they are applying with a valid annual California hunting license.
Q: If I was drawn for an apprentice pronghorn hunt last year, may I apply again this year for another apprentice pronghorn hunt?
A: Yes.
Q: Who can apply for an elk tag through the Big Game Drawing?
A: Any person (resident or nonresident) who is at least 12 years old as of July 1 of the license year for which they are applying with a valid annual California hunting license.
Q: Who can apply for a bighorn sheep tag through the Big Game Drawing?
A: Any person (resident or nonresident) who is at least 16 years old as of July 1 of the license year for which they are applying with a valid annual California hunting license.
Q: How many nonresidents may be drawn for elk, pronghorn or a bighorn sheep tag?
A: Only one nonresident per license year may be drawn for each species (elk, pronghorn and bighorn sheep) (
Section 708.9(b)(10), 708.10(b)(8), 708.11(b)(8), Title 14, of the CCR).
Q: How do I apply for a PLM tag or find out more information about the PLM program?
A: If you would like information about hunting on PLM areas or making your land a part of the PLM program, contact the CDFW's Wildlife Branch at Victoria.Barr@wildlife.ca.gov.
Q: What are cooperative deer hunting areas?
A: Provisions of
Section 554, Title 14, of the CCR, allow an owner/ title holder of not less than 640 acres of critical deer habitat within a deer quota zone which requires a drawing to apply for a cooperative deer hunting area permit. Applications must be submitted to the appropriate CDFW Regional Office prior to the first Friday in August.
Q: Does the Department offer special deer hunting opportunities for military personnel?
A: In cooperation with military installations, CDFW offers a limited number of tags for the public and military personnel in additional hunts G8 (Fort Hunter Liggett Antlerless) and J10 (Fort Hunter Liggett Junior Either-sex). The public tags are issued through CDFW's Big Game Drawing and military personnel must apply by sending their applications directly to the Base. G7 (Beale Air Force Base Either-Sex Hunt), G10 (Camp Pendleton Air Force Base Either-Sex Hunt), and G11 (Vandenberg Air Force Base Either-Sex Hunt) are for military personnel only and must apply by sending their applications to the Base. There are no public tags for these hunt.