CEQA Notices and Documents


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CEQA Lead Agency Notices

Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Southern California Desert Gas Pipeline Operation and Maintenance Activities - Draft Environmental Impact Report and Appendices
  • August 29, 2022

CDFW has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Southern California Desert Gas Pipeline Operation and Maintenance Activities (PDF) (SCH No. 2021030571) project (associated appendices: Appendix A (PDF), Appendix B (PDF), Appendix C (PDF), Appendix D (PDF), Appendix E (PDF), Appendix F (PDF)), located in San Bernardino and Kern Counties. The project involves the operation and maintenance of a gas pipeline system in the Mojave Desert region that Pacific Gas and Electric Company is proposing to continue to carry out as conditioned by the proposed issuance of a CESA Incidental Take Permit (ITP), and the expected issuance of one or more Lake and Streambed Alteration (LSA) Agreements.

  • Comments for the NOP (PDF) were due April 26, 2021, by 5:00 p.m.
  • By this notice, CDFW is announcing the opening of the 45-day comment period for the draft environmental impact report (August 29, 2022, to October 13, 2022). All written comments must be received by October 13, 2022, by 5:00 p.m.
  • Send comments to: Ashley.Rosales@wildlife.ca.gov (subject line: "PG&E O&M Draft EIR Comments").
  • OR mail written comments addressed to: California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Inland Deserts Region Attention: Ashley Rosales, Project Manager 3602 Inland Empire Boulevard, Suite C-220, Ontario, California 91764
Categories: General

Comments are closed.

SERP Concurrences

Section 21080.56 of the California Public Resources Code(opens in new tab), also known as the Statutory Exemption for Restoration Projects (SERP), provides a California Environmental Quality Act statutory exemption for fish and wildlife restoration projects that meet certain requirements. CDFW’s Cutting the Green Tape Program is responsible for coordinating with lead agencies seeking SERP concurrence. SERP is currently anticipated to sunset on January 1, 2030.

Learn more about SERP.

Recent Concurrences

Wetland Reserve Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resiliency Project


The Director of CDFW has concurred with the lead agency determination by the City of Oceanside that the Wetland Reserve Coastal Habitat Restoration and Resiliency Project (PDF) qualifies as a statutorily exempt restoration project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Pub. Resources Code, § 21080.56, subd. (e).)

El Puente Floodplain Reconnection Project


The Director of CDFW has concurred with the lead agency determination by the Reclamation District 2092 that the El Puente Floodplain Reconnection Project (PDF) qualifies as a statutorily exempt restoration project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Pub. Resources Code, § 21080.56, subd. (e).)

Capinero Creek Restoration Project


The Director of CDFW has concurred with the lead agency determination by the Pixley Irrigation District that the Capinero Creek Restoration Project (PDF) qualifies as a statutorily exempt restoration project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Pub. Resources Code, § 21080.56, subd. (e).)

Santa Monica Beach Dunes Restoration Project – Phase 3


The Director of CDFW has concurred with the lead agency determination by the City of Santa Monica that the Santa Monica Beach Dunes Restoration Project – Phase 3 (PDF) qualifies as a statutorily exempt restoration project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Pub. Resources Code, § 21080.56, subd. (e).)

Lodge Road Wildfire Resilience and Large Tree Restoration Demonstration Project


The Director of CDFW has concurred with the lead agency determination by the California Department of Parks and Recreation that the Lodge Road Wildfire Resilience and Large Tree Restoration Demonstration Project (PDF) qualifies as a statutorily exempt restoration project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). (Pub. Resources Code, § 21080.56, subd. (e).)

 See All SERP Concurrences

Alternate formats of these documents will be made available upon request. If reasonable accommodation is needed, call CDFW at (916) 322-8911. The California Relay Service for the deaf or hearing-impaired can be utilized from TDD phones at (800) 735-2929. For information on CDFW's CEQA program visit its page.