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2022-2024 News Releases

A bear cub climbs a Ponderosa pine.

As temperatures start to warm and snow begins to melt, a new crop of bear cubs are emerging from winter dens with their mothers.

Categories:   Bears
A black bear with an ear tag  climbs a tree in the Lake Tahoe Basin.

The snow will be melting soon in the Lake Tahoe region and a heavy winter will give way to a busy spring for wildlife in the area. Bears that have been in winter dens will be emerging soon and they will be hungry!

Categories:   Bears, Human Wildlife Conflict
California BearWise logo

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) are proud to support BearWise, the innovative North American program that helps people live more responsibly with bears.

Categories:   Bears, Education, Human Wildlife Conflict, Wildlife
A black bear walks along a U.S. Forest Service road in Northern California.

Fall is underway in the Tahoe Basin and Lake Tahoe bears are hungry! Autumn is the time of year when bears enter hyperphagia, a phase they go through when they seek massive amounts of calories before entering their winter dens.

Categories:   Bears, Wildlife, Wildlife Health
A bear-proof dumpster that's open and overflowing with garbage such as this does little to safeguard black bears from accessing trash.

Summer can be a tough time to be a bear. Green grasses have dried up and berries haven’t quite ripened for eating yet, causing black bears to move around more in search of easy food. This means there is a lot to think about when living, visiting, or recreating in the Lake Tahoe Basin this time of year.

Categories:   Bears, Education, Human Wildlife Conflict

Office of Communications, Education and Outreach
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244-2090
(916) 322-8911