Go Fish! Public Fishing Locations in Napa and Solano counties

Napa County

Steelhead, trout, striped bass, and warmwater fishing can be found in Napa County. Principal waters include the following:

Streams and Rivers

  • The Napa River System: Supports a small run of steelhead, plus several species of warmwater fish. All tributaries are closed to fishing year round. A major portion of the drainage is in private ownership which limits fishing access. Striped bass, sturgeon and starry flounder can be caught from the City of Napa downstream in the main river.
  • The Putah Creek System: Supports a good warmwater fishery, as well as native trout. Most of the creek above Lake Berryessa is in private ownership.

Lakes and Reservoirs

  • Lake Berryessa: 20,700 acres. This large reservoir, which is approximately 12 miles long and four miles wide, is located in eastern Napa County about thirty miles north of Vallejo. This lake provides both a robust warmwater fishery (largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and spotted bass) and coldwater fishery (rainbow trout, kokanee salmon, and Chinook salmon). It is open to the public, but with some access fees in the resort areas. This lake is managed by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (707) 966-2111.
  • Lake Hennessey: 850 acres. This reservoir, which is owned by the City of Napa, is located about five miles east of St. Helena. It is open to the public on payment of an access fee and contains a fair-to-good warmwater fishery. The reservoir is stocked with a limited number of catchable trout by the Department in the spring. An access and boat launch fee is charged. Boats with engines over ten horsepower are not allowed on the lake. All types of boats are allowed except kayaks.

Solano County

Major angling opportunities in Solano County are in the lower Sacramento River Delta area. Striped bass, catfish, sturgeon, and crayfish are present. Good public access is available through the State-owned wildlife areas on Grizzly and Joice Islands, located off Hwy 12 east of Suisun City. See regulations for closures and restrictions.

Lakes and Reservoirs

  • Lake Chabot: 65 acres. It is located west of the County Fairgrounds in Vallejo. Warmwater species such as largemouth bass and catfish provide the main fishery. The lake is occasionally stocked with trout and catfish.
  • Putah Creek: The section from Monticello Dam to Lake Solano provides a catch and release fishery for wild trout. Public access is good as HWY 128 parallels the creek.

Sport Fish Restoration

Bay Delta Region (Region 3)
Regional Manager: Erin Chappell
Main Office: 2825 Cordelia Road, Suite 100, Fairfield, CA 94534 | (707) 428-2002
Stockton Office: 2109 Arch Airport Rd, Stockton, CA 95206 | (209) 234-3420
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