CDFW sponsors several grant programs to assist in funding NCCPs and Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs). Three of these important programs are administered by the Habitat Conservation Planning Branch.
The NCCP Local Assistance Grant (LAG) Program provides state funds for urgent tasks associated with the implementation of approved NCCPs or NCCPs anticipated to be approved within 12 months of grant application.
CDFW is also the state sponsor of the federal ESA Nontraditional Section 6 Grant Programs. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) offers funding through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund to support conservation planning and purchases of vital habitat for threatened and endangered fish, wildlife, and plant species. The grants are authorized by Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act.
Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grants
NCCP Local Assistance Grants
The Natural Community Conservation Planning Local Assistance Grant (NCCP LAG) Program was created to assist local public and non-profit entities in the implementation NCCPs throughout California. The grant program seeks proposals that address the highest priority tasks associated with the implementation of an NCCP. Our FY24 NCCP LAG solicitation has now closed. Check back in Spring 2025 for information on the next solicitation.
See sample grant solicitation information and templates, Proposal Solicitation Package (PSP) and application template, below.
Preparers of LAG proposals may also find it useful to look at examples of the type and substance of NCCP LAG projects previously funded.
Endangered Species Act Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Grant Programs (Nontraditional Section 6)
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) administers four grant programs through the Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund (CESCF) and authorized through Section 6 of the Endangered Species Act of 1973. There are three Nontraditional Section 6 grants available: Conservation Planning Assistance (CPA; see below), Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition (HCPLA; see below), and Recovery Plan Land Acquisition (RLA) (coordinated by the CDFW Wildlife Branch). The fourth type of Section 6 Grant available is known as the Traditional Section 6 Program and supports recovery projects for Threatened and Endangered Species Conservation and Recovery, and is also administered by the CDFW Wildlife Branch.
CDFW and local partners have been very successful in the national competition for Nontraditional Section 6 grant funds. A combination of these factors for most California plans has led to significant Nontraditional Section 6 Conservation Planning Assistance and HCP Land Acquisition (PDF) grants to California each year.
Conservation Planning Assistance Program
The Conservation Planning Assistance (CPA) Grant program provides funding to States to support the development of new Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) and Conservation Benefit Agreements (CBAs; formerly referred to as Safe Harbor Agreements and Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances). Funding may also be used to support the renewal or amendment of existing HCPs or CBAs. The development of HCPs that include only candidate or at-risk species (i.e., no Federally listed species covered by the HCP), such that the HCP would be in place if the species is listed, is also supported through this program. Funding may be used to support development and planning activities such as document preparation, public outreach, baseline species surveys, habitat assessments, and inventories. The preparation of environmental compliance review documents, such as National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), is also an eligible use of grant funds. For CBAs, outreach, coordination, and administrative costs associated with the implementation of permitted agreements is also an eligible use of funds this year.
FY25 CPA Funding Opportunity Announcement includes information on eligibility and approved uses of these grants.
The FY25 CPA Grant Opportunity is now closed. Sample proposal templates and guidance are linked below.
Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition Program
The Endangered Species Habitat Conservation Plan Land Acquisition (HCPLA) Grant Program provides funding to States and Territories for the acquisition of federally listed and at-risk species habitat in support of approved HCPs. Grants do not fund any mitigation required of an HCP permittee but are instead intended to support land purchases that complement actions associated with the HCP.
FY25 HCPLA Funding Opportunity Announcement includes information on eligibility and approved uses of these grants.
The FY25 HCPLA Grant Opportunity is now closed. Sample proposal templates and guidance are linked below.
Grant Solicitation Information and Templates
NCCP Local Assistance Grants
The FY24 solicitation is now closed. Sample documents provided here for reference only.
Nontraditional Section 6
- Conservation Planning Assistance Templates
- HCP Land Acquisition Template