Abalone Recovery and Management Plan: List of Tables

Table 2-1 (PDF)
Size and estimated age at maturity of California abalones

Table 2-2 (PDF)
Biological information summary

Table 2-3 (PDF)
Growth parameters of California abalones

Table 2-4 (PDF)
Red abalone population survey at Van Damme, Fort Ross and Salt Point SMCAs, 1986-2000

Table 6-1 (PDF)
Recovery criteria and Fish and Game block number for recovery areas

Table 6-2 (PDF)
List of recovery activities with an estimate of field time required

Table 6-3 (PDF)
Key locations for recovery of red abalone in southern and central California

Table 6-4 (PDF)
Key locations for recovery of pink abalone in southern California

Table 6-5 (PDF)
Key locations for recovery of green abalone in southern California

Table 6-6 (PDF)
Key locations for recovery of black abalone in southern California

Table 6-7 (PDF)
Key locations for recovery of white abalone in southern California

Table 6-8 (PDF)
Key locations for recovery of pinto and flat abalones in southern California

Table 6-9 (PDF)
Estimates for the amount of time for recovery of five species of abalone in southern California

Table 7-1 (PDF)
Abalone survey summaries, 1999-2000

Table 7-2 (PDF)
Total Allowable Catch adjustment decision table using established criteria

Table 7-3 (PDF)
Projected changes (percent) in the baseline total allowable catch (400,000 abalone) with various combinations of daily and annual limits

Table 7-4 (PDF)
Site closure decision table using established criteria

Table 9-1 (PDF)
Timeline of recovery activities for 2005 to 2011

Table 9-2 (PDF)
Timeline of interim management activities for 2005 to 2011

Table 9-3 (PDF)
Summary of costs and funding sources for implementation averaged over 2005 to 2011

Marine Region (Region 7)
Regional Manager: Dr. Craig Shuman
Main Office: 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100, Monterey, CA  93940
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