Coastal Pelagic Species
Jump to: Pacific Sardine | Northern Anchovy | Pacific Mackerel | Jack Mackerel | Market Squid
Pacific Sardine
Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax caerulea) are small pelagic fish found throughout the Pacific Ocean. Sardines eat various forms of plankton such as fish larvae and crustaceans. Landings of sardine have historically fluctuated due to changing environmental conditions. Pacific sardine are primarily caught in commercial fisheries but are also used as recreational bait.
Northern Anchovy
Northern anchovy (Engraulis mordax) are small, short-lived pelagic fish found across the eastern Pacific Ocean. Anchovies eat various types of plankton and play an important role as common prey for many species of birds, mammals, and fish. Northern anchovy are primarily caught in commercial fisheries but are also used as recreational bait.
Pacific Mackerel
Pacific mackerel (Scomber japonicus) are a temperate and subtropical schooling fish found throughout the eastern Pacific Ocean. They are one of the most abundant sport-caught fish off California, and support an important commercial fishery as well.
Jack Mackerel
Jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus) are a long-lived fish found throughout the northeastern Pacific Ocean. They are active predators of copepods, squid, anchovy, and other fishes. Jack mackerel are prey for larger tuna, billfish, and marine mammals. They are occasionally caught in both recreational and commercial fisheries.
Market Squid
Market squid (Doryteuthis (Loligo) opalescens), range from southeastern Alaska to Baja California, Mexico. The market squid commercial fishery is consistently one of California's largest in both volume and revenue. Market squid are harvested for human consumption and as bait.
Highly Migratory Species
Jump to: Tunas | Sharks | Billfishes
Tuna are large fish from the family Scombridae, mostly in the genus Thunnus. They are fast swimmers, with some species capable of swimming 43 miles per hour or more. Some larger tuna species, such as Pacific Bluefin Tuna, display warm-blooded adaptations and can raise their body temperature above water temperature by means of muscular activity. This enables them to survive in cooler waters and inhabit a wider range of ocean environments than other types of fish. Tuna are regularly caught in both recreational and commercial fisheries.
Tuna Species Accounts
Pelagic (open ocean) sharks caught off California include shortfin mako, thresher, and blue sharks. All sharks are cartilaginous, meaning their skeletal structure is composed of cartilage rather than bone. Sharks are long-lived, take a long time to mature, and generally have very few offspring; thus conservation is very important in management of the fishery. Sharks are regularly caught in both commercial and recreational fisheries.
Shark Species Accounts

photo © Mindy Curtis
The term "billfish" is applied to a number of different large, predatory fish characterized by their long, sword-like bills. Billfish do not spear their prey; rather, they use their bills to stun prey. They are important apex predators feeding on a wide variety of smaller fish and squid. Billfish are found worldwide in tropical and subtropical waters, but swordfish are sometimes found in cooler waters as well. Billfish found off California are striped marlin and swordfish. Both species are caught in recreational fisheries however striped marlin cannot be commercially landed.
Billfish Species Accounts
Commercial Catch
In-season Tracking
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Recreational Catch
Below: Annual Commercial Passenger Fishing Vessel catch (fish kept) of select highly migratory species and coastal pelagic species from 1980-2022. To protect confidentiality, catch is excluded in years where less than three vessels reported kept catch of a particular species for that year.