Mohave Ground Squirrel Technical Advisory Group

The Mohave Ground Squirrel Technical Advisory Group (MGS TAG) is a long-standing committee of Mohave ground squirrel (Xerospermophilus mohavensis) technical experts from the private sector, academia, and land management and regulatory agencies. The MGS TAG provides a forum for information sharing and formulation of recommendations to CDFW and other agencies on the conservation of the Mohave ground squirrel. This website is an archive of past meetings, including agendas, notes, and documents related to the work of the MGS TAG.


March 22, 2012 Meeting
  • March 22, 2012
Mohave Ground Squirrel Technical Advisory Group Meeting

Meeting Location: BLM Ridgecrest Office

Categories: Meetings

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Wildlife Branch - Wildlife Diversity Program
1010 Riverside Parkway, West Sacramento, CA 95605