Bear Naked Truth

Goings-on with black bears in the Tahoe Basin and beyond

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    • September 9, 2021
    A South Lake Tahoe home shows damage on its garage door where black bears broke in.

    Property damage caused by black bears in South Lake Tahoe during the Caldor Fire evacuation. CDFW photo.

    Caldor Fire evacuees returning to the South Lake and West Shore areas of Lake Tahoe should be aware that bears have been seeking out human food sources during the evacuation and taking advantage of the lack of human presence. As you approach your residence, look and listen carefully for signs that a bear has been or is in your home. If a bear is in your home, call 911. Do not attempt to chase it out yourself. Your safety is your responsibility!

    The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) encourages residents to make repairs to damage caused by bears as soon as possible. Easy access and a food reward encourages bears to keep coming back looking for more. Never leave food or water out for bears. It is illegal, for one, and can lead to escalating problem behaviors such as break-ins and human-bear contact that may result in death of that bear. Learn more about how to keep the Tahoe Basin’s black bears healthy and wild in the aftermath of the Caldor Fire here:

    The following CDFW images show some of the additional property damage caused by black bears in South Lake Tahoe during the Caldor Fire evacuation.

    Three black bears feast upon raided pet food they took from an RV after breaking in while South Lake Tahoe was under evacuation as a result of the Caldor Fire.

    A recreational vehicle with a broken door shows the after-effects of a bear break-in during evacuation in South Lake Tahoe as a result of the Caldor Fire.

    A garage door in South Lake Tahoe has a hole in it -- the result of marauding black bears during evacuation as a result of the Caldor Fire.

    Categories: South Lake Tahoe, Wildfire

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