Wildlife Rehabilitation Facilities in California

IMPORTANT: Most wildlife rehabilitators do not provide services to pick up wildlife. They rely on you to get animals to them. Be courteous and mindful of this when you are calling for their assistance.

  • Never drop off animals at a location, unless you are instructed to do so.
  • Wildlife rehabilitators often work out of their homes. They are not on-call (24 hours/7 days).
  • Wildlife rehabilitators often specialize in certain species. They may limit the number of animals they can accept.
CountySorted By County In Ascending OrderCityNamePhoneMammalsBirdAmphibian-ReptileNotes
AlamedaHaywardSulphur Creek Nature Center(510) 881-6747YesYesNo 
AlamedaNewarkOhlone Humane Society(510) 797-9449YesYesYes 
AlamedaOaklandYggdrasil Urban Wildlife(510) 421-9897YesYesYes 
AmadorJacksonTri County Wildlife Care(209) 283-3245YesYesYes 
ButteChicoBidwell Wildlife RehabilitationUse online submission formYesYesYes 
Contra CostaWalnut CreekLindsay Wildlife Museum(925) 935-1978YesYesYes 
El DoradoPlacervilleSierra Wildlife Rescue(530) 621-4661YesYesYes 
El DoradoSouth Lake TahoeLake Tahoe Wildlife Care (530) 577-2273YesYes Not taking bears
FresnoClovisFresno Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation(559) 298-3276YesYesYes 
FresnoSquaw ValleyCritter Creek Wildlife Station(559) 338-2415YesYesYes 
HumboldtArcataHumboldt Wildlife Care Center(707) 822-8839YesYesYes 
InyoBishopWildCare Eastern Sierra(760) 872-1487YesYesYes 
KernBakersfieldCalifornia Living Museum(661) 872-2256YesYesYes 
LakeLakeportWasson Memorial Veterinary Clinic(707) 263-5380YesYesYes 
Los AngelesMalibuCalifornia Wildlife Center(310) 458-9453YesYesYes 
Los AngelesPasadenaPasadena Humane Society(626) 344-1129YesYesYes 
Los AngelesSan Dimas2nd Chance Critters (Jim Vrieling)(909) 599-4893YesNoNoSmall mammals only
Los AngelesMalibuCoast & Canyon Wildlife(310) 480-1760YesYesNo 
Los AngelesSan PedroInternational Bird Rescue (San Pedro)(310) 514-2573NoYesNo 
Los AngelesSanta ClaritaSquirrel Whisperer Rehabilitation(661) 251-7978YesNoNoSmall mammals only
Los AngelesManhattan BeachLA Bat Rescue(310) 365-5656YesNoNoBats only
Los AngelesSan DimasSan Dimas Raptor Rescue(909) 599-7512NoYesNoSpecialize in birds of prey (raptors)
MarinSan RafaelWildCare(415) 456-7283YesYesYes 
MercedMercedSan Joaquin Raptor Rescue Center(209) 723-9283NoYesNoRaptors only
MontereyMoss LandingWildlife Emergency Services(866) WILD-911   Transportation and wildlife information only
MontereyMontereySPCA of Monterey County(831) 264-5427YesYesYes 
NapaNapaNapa Wildlife Rescue(707) 224-4295YesYesNo 
NevadaPenn ValleyWildlife Rehabilitation and Release(530) 477-5774YesYesNo 
NevadaPenn ValleyHamilton Raptor Center(530) 432-9467NoYesNoRaptors only
OrangeFountain ValleySongbird Care and Education Center(714) 222-6817NoYesNoSongbirds only
OrangeHuntingtonWetlands and Wildlife Care Center (714) 374-5587YesYesYes 
OrangeLake ForestOrange County Bird of Prey Center(949) 837-0786NoYesNoEagles and raptors only
PlacerAuburnGold Country Wildlife Rescue(530) 885-0862YesYesYes 
PlacerRosevilleBird of Prey Health Group(916) 773-6049NoYesNoEagles and raptors only
RiversideCoronaHope Wildlife Rescue(951) 279-3232NoYesNoMallard ducks only. Point of referral for birds and small mammals
RiversideRiversideSunshine Haven(951) 588-8811YesYesYes 
RiversideBlytheTracks and Tales(760) 552-3239YesYesNo 
SacramentoSacramentoWildlife Care Association(916) 965-9453YesYesYes 
SacramentoSacramentoFlying Mammal Rescue(916) 838-7002YesNoNoBats only
San BernardinoBig Bear LakeBig Bear Alpine Zoo(909) 584-1299YesYesNo 
San BernardinoOak GlenBear Paw Ranch Wildlife Rehabilitation(909) 790-1010YesYesNo 
San BernardinoChino HillsAll God's Creatures (909) 393-1590YesNoNoSmall mammals only
San BernardinoYucaipaOpossum Society of the United States405-265-7090YesNoNoOpossums only
San DiegoChula VistaHummingbird Rescue Center(619) 420-5156NoYesNoHummingbirds only
San DiegoLakesideSky Hunters(619) 985-9686YesYesNoRaptors, deer fawn
San DiegoRamonaProject Wildlife - Ramona(619) 299-7012YesYesYes 
San DiegoSan DiegoProject Wildlife - San Diego(619) 299-7012YesYesYes 
San DiegoJamulSo Cal Wildlife (855) 737-4953NoYesNoSongbirds only
San DiegoSan DiegoSeaWorld(800) 541-7325NoYesNo 
San Luis ObispoMorro BayPacific Wildlife Care(805) 772-9494YesYesYes 
San MateoSan MateoPeninsula Humane Society(650) 340-7022YesYesYes 
Santa BarbaraSanta BarbaraSanta Barbara Wildlife Care Network(805) 681-1080YesYesYes 
Santa ClaraMorgan HillWildlife Education and Rehabilitation Center(408) 779-9372YesYesYes 
Santa ClaraSan JoseWildlife Center of Silicon Valley(408) 929-9453YesYesYes 
Santa CruzSanta CruzNative Animal Rescue(831) 462-0726YesYesYes 
ShastaAndersonShasta Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation(530) 365-9453YesYesNo 
ShastaMantonDefiance Canyon Raptor Rescue Center(530) 474-5803NoYesNoEagles, raptors, and corvids
SiskiyouFort JonesWRI Wildlife Rescue Center(530) 468-5287YesYesYes 
SolanoFairfieldInternational Bird Rescue (Fairfield)(707) 207-0380NoYesNo 
SonomaSanta RosaSonoma County Wildlife Rescue(707) 992-0274YesYesYes 
SonomaSanta RosaBird Rescue Center(707) 523-2473NoYesNoBirds only
SonomaSebastopolNative Songbird Care and Conservation(707) 484-6502NoYesNo 
SonomaPetalumaFawn Rescue of Sonoma County(707) 931-4550YesNoNoDeer fawn only
StanislausHughsonStanislaus Wildlife Care CenterS(209) 883-9414YesYesYes 
TuolumneSonoraRose Wolf Wildlife Rescue(209) 206-6243YesYesNo 
TuolumneSonoraMother Lode Wildlife Care209-677-7249YesYesNo 
VenturaCamarilloCamarillo Wildlife Rehabilitation (805) 482-7617YesYesNo 
VenturaOjaiOjai Raptor Center(805) 649-6884NoYesNoBirds only
VenturaSimi ValleyWildlife Care of Southern California(805) 581-3911YesYesNo 
VenturaThousand OaksSquirrelmender Wildlife Rehabilitation(805) 338-0481YesNoNoSmall mammals only
VenturaOjaiWildlife Rescue of Ojai(805) 660-3911YesYesNoSongbirds and small mammals
YoloDavisCalifornia Raptor Center(530) 752-6091NoYesNoEagles and raptors only
YoloDavisNorCal Bats(530) 902-1918YesNoNoBats only

Wildlife Health Lab
1701 Nimbus Road Suite D, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 358-2790 | WILAB@wildlife.ca.gov