Vulnerability of California Fish, Wildlife, and Plants to Climate Change

A vulnerability assessment can be used to determine which fish, wildlife, and plant species may be most vulnerable to climate change, and why. Many of these assessments have been conducted in California by various entities, and these studies provide crucial information for conservation and adaptation planning.

Below is a list of climate change vulnerability assessments for fish, wildlife, and plants that have been completed by or funded by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife in California (with one exception as noted below). The climate vulnerability ranks and associated maps developed by these assessments provide a comprehensive view of climate vulnerability of wildlife species and habitats in California as of the date of publication. Wildlife species that were identified as climate vulnerable by these studies were included in the 2015 State Wildlife Action Plan as Species of Greatest Conservation Need.

Climate science is a rapidly evolving field, and new studies and updated information will be posted as they become available. Also included below are resources and tools for conducting vulnerability assessments for species and habitats.

Climate change vulnerability reports for California species

Resources for conducting vulnerability assessments