California Nearshore Aerial Pelagic Species Survey

The California Coastal Pelagic Species Survey (CCPSS) is a collaborative scientific research program of California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and California Wetfish Producers Association (CWPA), with funding support provided by Collaborative Fisheries Research West.

The CCPSS team conducts research on the abundance, distribution and biological characteristics of commercially important marine fish stocks in the nearshore waters of southern California. The specific research focus is coastal pelagic species (CPS), such as Pacific sardine, northern anchovy, Pacific mackerel, and jack mackerel.

Using aircraft and boat-based surveys, digital photography, satellite-derived ocean color data, fisheries statistics and other sources of information, the CCPSS team has been investigating the occurrence of CPS throughout the southern California Bight – particularly in nearshore areas up to three miles off the coasts of the California mainland and Channel Islands, as well as in open water areas of the Bight.

Research results can inform CPS stock assessments and fisheries management within the larger contexts of the Southern California Bight, California Current Large Marine Ecosystem and the US West Coast, including the states of California, Oregon and Washington.

CCPSS Team Members

  • Kirk Lynn, Environmental Scientist (aerial survey)
    California Department of Fish and Wildlife
    8901 La Jolla Shores Drive, La Jolla, CA 92037
    Office: (858) 243-3778
  • Dianna Porzio, Environmental Scientist (boat survey)
    California Department of Fish and Wildlife
    Office: (562) 342-7178
  • Diane Pleschner-Steele, Executive Director
    California Wetfish Producers Association
    P. O. Box 1951, Buellton, CA 93427
    Office: (805) 693-5430

CDFW and CWPA logos

Aerial Study Site Map
Current CCPSS Study Area

Marine Region (Region 7)
Regional Manager: Dr. Craig Shuman
Main Office: 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100, Monterey, CA  93940
Email CDFW's Marine Region  |  (831) 649-2870
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