Restoration Grants

Getting Started

To request a consultation, email, and include the following information:

  • project title
  • county
  • project location
  • type (planning, implementation, land acquisition)
  • description
  • questions for CDFW
  • dates/times you are available to meet

General Grant Program Guidelines (PDF)

Restoration Grant Programs

Drought - Protecting Salmon

Funding for planning and implementation projects that enhance resiliency to drought and climate change through restoration, protection, or enhancement of riparian and aquatic habitat and river channels, reconnection of historical flood plains, or improvements to ecological functions.

Addressing Climate Impacts

Funding for projects addressing urgent degrading water and habitat conditions due to climate change impacts.

Wetlands and Mountain Meadows Restoration

Funding for Mountain Meadows and non-coastal Wetlands restoration consistent with the Natural and Working Lands Climate Smart Strategy and Pathways to 30x30.

Wildlife Corridors

Funding to support connectivity projects that advance multi-benefit and nature-based solutions, consistent with the State Wildlife Action Plan, the California Wildlife Barriers Report, and the Fish Passage Annual Legislative Report.

Proposition 1

Bond funding to support multi-benefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects. Visit the Proposition 1 page for more information.

Proposition 68

Bond funding to restore and protect rivers and streams in support of fisheries and wildlife; restore Southern California Steelhead habitat; improve conditions for fish and wildlife in streams, rivers, wildlife refuges, wetland habitat areas, and estuaries. Visit the Proposition 68 page for more information.

Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program

Funding to restore and enhance wetlands and watershed ecosystems. This program is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, improving public health and the environment, and providing meaningful benefits to the most disadvantaged and low-income communities and households. Visit the Wetlands Restoration for Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program page for more information.

Cutting the Green Tape

CDFW’s Cutting the Green Tape program is a statewide effort, representing the department’s environmental permitting and grant funding programs with added support from its general counsel and executive leadership. This program is leading efforts to develop and implement improvements to the way the department issues permit and administers its grant programs, to accelerate the pace and scale of restoration throughout the state.

We're ready to help you with your project. Contact us at

Awarded Projects


The presentation slides (PDF) from the February 2023 workshop are now available.

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