Q: Do all special hunts allow party applications?
A: Not all special hunts allow for party applications.
- Special Hunts that utilize “Draw-By-Choice” Special Hunt Drawing Application issuance method outlined in Section 715(d) can accommodate party applications where all group members are named on the hunt permit, while Special Hunts utilizing the “Draw-By-Hunt” General Multi-Choice Application described in Section 715(e) do not allow party applications, however the hunt parameters may allow for one or more additional hunting or nonhunting “guests” of the permit holder, if specified in the hunt description. Special hunt parameters are described in Section 715(a)(2).
Q: How can we apply as a party for drawings?
A: There are two ways to apply as a party for a Special Hunt Drawing Application:
- Members of a party can apply in the same sales transaction at a CDFW license sales office, online or license agent and the sales clerk, upon request, can link the applications together as a party; or
- If applying in separate transactions, the first party member will become the party leader. The party leader's Special Hunt Drawing Receipt will have the Party Identification Number (PIN) printed on it. The party leader can give this number out to the other members of his/her hunting party. When other members apply, they will provide the PIN. When the PIN is entered in the drawing application ALDS screen, it will bring up the hunting party and link the members to the party. The members will be assigned the same tag choices in the same order as the party leader and you will all be in the drawing together. Party applications may be made up of transactions submitted through the Internet, CDFW license sales office and license agents.
Q: Can my hunting party apply online for a Special Hunt Drawing Application as a party?
A: Yes. Members of a party can apply online in separate transactions, but not in the same transaction. Online sales can only process one customer per transaction. The first party member will become the party leader. The party leader's Big Game Drawing Receipt will have the PIN printed on it. The party leader can give this number out to the other members of his/her hunting party. When other members apply online, they will enter the PIN in the drawing application screen; it will bring up the hunting party and link the members to the party. The members will be assigned the same tag choices in the same order as the party leader and you will all be in the drawing together. Party applications may be made up of transactions submitted through the Internet, CDFW license sales office and license agents.
Q: I am a member of a party applying for for a Special Hunt Drawing Application. Can any party member apply first?
A: Yes, as long as the party leader possesses any specified applicant status for the special hunt (ie. Apprentice, Mobility Impaired, New Hunter or Veteran Status; Section 715(a)(2)(A) – (a)(2)(D)). A party leader is the first person in the party to apply and is assigned a PIN. The party leader can give the party number to other applicants, so they can join their party. For special hunts that are limited to hunters with one of the above applicant statuses, or parties that include at least one such hunter, the party leader must possess any required applicant status and must first initiate the party application using their GO-ID number. Any additional qualifying hunters may then join that party using the PIN.
Q: I don't have my party leader's PIN. Will the license agent be able to join us together?
A: No. You must have the PIN to join another hunter's party. This is done to ensure that only hunters that the party leader allows may join his/her party. The CDFW license sales offices and license agents cannot provide you with another hunter's PIN , only the party leader or members of the party can provide you with their party number.
Q: Can a member of my party be a nonresident or junior hunter?
A: Yes, for special hunt drawings as long as they possess a valid California annual hunting license and the junior must be at least 12 years old as of July 1 of the license year for which they are applying, or at the time of application if they are applying after July 1.
Q: Can one of our party members choose a different special hunt as their second or third choice in a Draw-By-Choice style drawing?
A: No. All party members' drawing choices must be the same. The computer-generated random number assigned during the drawing applies to the entire hunting party. (Section 715(d)(2)(F))