Program Information
Largemouth bass.
Beginning in 1975, organizers offering prizes or other inducements for the taking of freshwater sport fish in California waters were required to obtain a fishing contest permit from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Since 1985, organizers have been required to submit a “Fishing Contest Report” to CDFW detailing the results of each permitted contest.
On July 1, 2023, new regulations governing the Issuance of Permits for Contests Offering Prizes for the Taking of Game Fish (Title 14 § 230) went into effect. These regulations redefined the previous contest permits types (Type A – Event, and Type B – Annual) and added two new permit types (Type C – Catch and Release, and Type D - Other). An electronic contest reporting system to streamline data collection was also deployed.
Questions about regulations for Game Fish Contests can be directed to
Participating in a Game Fish Contest
CDFW coordinates contest permits but is not involved in individual angler participation. If you are an angler interested in participating in a fishing contest, you need to contact the sponsor of the contest directly. A good first step is to browse upcoming, approved contests at the Pending and Approved Contests where you can filter the results by specific locations, dates, sponsors, or species. Once you find a contest you are interested in, we suggest reaching out to the sponsor via social media or their web page to find out how to participate. CDFW does not provide sponsor contact information.
If you are new to bass fishing tournaments, please read Keeping Bass Alive (PDF) to ensure you are taking all appropriate measures to protect the resource and avoid tournament penalties for weighing dead fish. Good luck and tight lines!
Organizing a Game Fish Contest
There are four types of permits for game fish contests. Contest organizers seeking any of the permit types must apply using form, Application for Permit to Offer Prizes for Taking of Game Fish (DFW 775) (PDF).
In 2025, the application fee for each DFW 775 is $81.89.
- Type A - Event: contests targeting black bass with more than 60 anglers. Type A contests may not exceed three days in duration and no more than one contest is allowed for any water on the same day.
- Type B - Annual: contests targeting black bass with 60 or fewer anglers. Type B contests may not exceed three days in duration and no more than three contests are allowed for any water on the same day.
- Type C - Catch and Release: contests targeting black bass in which anglers do not retain fish for a centralized weigh-in. These contests require the angler to immediately release all live fish caught after recording weight or measurement. Contests may exceed three days in duration and may be conducted on multiple water bodies concurrently. Type C permits do not limit the number of anglers.
- Type D - Other: contests not targeting black bass. Contests may exceed three days in duration and be conducted on multiple waters simultaneously.
Contest organizers need to review the Special Conditions for Contest Permits (PDF). Special conditions reduce impacts to natural resources and apply to all permit types and include measures for specific species. Contest organizers are responsible for ensuring all conditions are met and all participants comply.
Contest organizers and participants must follow regulations governing the number of fish held by anglers during a fishing contest, which includes bag limits and proper culling practices to ensure that bass are returned to the water in good condition.
Angling Regulation Exemptions for Black Bass Contests
To request exemption from typical fishing regulations (e.g., slot limit, minimum length limit), organizers must complete an exemption form specific to that water and submit it with the application (links below). This does not guarantee exemption; approval must be given by CDFW.
Controlling Aquatic Invasive Species
Anglers can prevent spreading harmful invasive species by following procedures to Clean, Drain, and Dry their vessels and equipment before launching. For information on how to help stop the spread of invasive species, see our Invasive Species Program page.
Tournament organizers must use a self-inspection certification form, Aquatic Invasive Species Self-Inspection Certification for Game Fish Contests (DFW 777)(PDF) with contests on waterbodies that do not have an inspection program, or if the inspection station is closed. The form must be completed by all contest participants prior to launching in the contest water and kept on the participant’s vessel throughout the duration of the contest.
Due to the recent detection of golden mussels in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, CDFW will temporarily allow permittees to adjust the location and dates of approved 2025 Type A contests to waterbodies in regions outside the originally issued region. This is in effort to minimize the spread of aquatic invasive species and the potential negative impacts on fishing contest organizers and participants. To submit a request for a Type A contest location adjustment outside of the originally permitted region, follow the directions listed in the Type A Contest Permit Adjustment (PDF) notification letter.
Annual Initial Offering for Type A Contests
Every year, CDFW sponsors an Initial Offering to facilitate Type A game fish contests permits occurring the following year. For more information about the Initial Offering, see details in the 2024 Initial Offering Announcement Letter (PDF). If you are planning fishing contests that will require a Type A - Event permit, we strongly recommend your attendance.
To apply for the initial Offering, you must submit the form, Initial Offering Application for “Type A” Game Fish Contests (DFW 774) (PDF).
Fishing Contest Reporting
Tournament organizers are required to electronically submit a fishing contest report for all permit types within 30 days of contest completion.
All permits issued after July 1, 2023, must be reported online using CDFW's Data Portal. An account must be initially created to use the Data Portal. Once logged in, under the "Fisheries" listing, select "Fishing Contests", and then "Submit Fishing Contest Report" from the menu on the left-hand side.
Annual Fishing Contest Report Summaries