Cannabis leaves
Deer in field
Desert Stream
Redwood trees

Cannabis Program

California is unique and diverse with the highest level of biodiversity in the entire nation. CDFW has a public trust responsibility to protect and conserve California’s fish and wildlife resources.

Cannabis cultivators, like other project proponents, must comply with Fish and Game Code and other regulations. Working together, we can ensure environmentally-friendly cannabis cultivation.

Watch It Now

CDFW hosted two online workshops to review how licensed cultivators can stay up to date with their Lake or Streambed Alteration (LSA) agreement and what to do when it is expired or when the project authorized by the agreement is complete.

July 22, 2020 Presented by CDFW, Department of Cannabis Control (formerly CalCannabis) and State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board).

About the CDFW Cannabis Program

Reports and Publications

Best Management Practices

Partner Agencies


CDFW Cannabis Program
P.O. Box 944209, Sacramento, CA 94244