Hunters can help limit the spread of chronic wasting disease - link to CWD page

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Drought related actions protecting CA's fish and wildlife

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A high Sierra lake surrounded by granite cliffs.

CDFW Celebrates California Biodiversity Day with More Than 200 Events Statewide

Sept. 7 is California Biodiversity Day, an annual event marking the anniversary of the launch of the California Biodiversity Initiative in 2018. California is one of the most biodiverse regions in the world and is one of 36 global biodiversity hotspots — areas containing exceptional concentrations of plant and animal species found nowhere else on the planet.

Emergency Actions for Streams and Rivers

Notice Concerning Emergency Actions in Streams, Lakes, and Rivers

Advance notification is not required for emergency work in streams, lakes, and rivers carried out pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 1610. Typical emergency projects have been immediate actions during or immediately after an emergency to repair, in kind, a structure or facility, or to remove debris. Individuals must notify CDFW in writing within 14 days after beginning the emergency work.

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